I managed to get into town on Friday last week and spent just twenty minutes taking a few photos. I had planned to get out a bit more this week while I was off on leave and Zak was at school - however Zak is home poorly so I haven't been out of the house all week!
I am sure we are seeing more of the step Darts in service these days
Uncle Terry
103: On the look out104: The only way is up
Terry Partridge
The dust of timeOmnibuses
ScreamingLeon Daniels
England ShirtsPTOTPA
Happy Birthday 913 913DTT fifty years old!Transport Illustrated
Devon in the Spring: Great collection of photos from South DevonPlymouth Local History
Prehistoric Plymouth
25 May 2010
CITYBUS: As part of a future marketing promotion Plymouth Citybus is looking for a selection of what can best be described as local icons that represent Plymouth. Some examples would be Smeaton's Tower, Mayflower Steps, and Home Park. Can you come up with other suggestions for suitable icons...CITYBUS Due to temporary traffic lights in the Cumberland Gardens area our services 26, 34, 46, and 47 are running extremely late We apologise for these delays which are completely beyond our control
there are a lot of step darts around even seen them on the 26 and 51!