For the first time in almost 2 years Plymouth Citybus needs to make some adjustments to fares from Sunday 6th June 2010. The change in fares represents a 3.5% increase overall with no changes to the price of our great range of season tickets. The table below shows the current adult fare along with the new fare.
Current Fare > New Fare
Singles within Plymouth & Saltash
80p > 90p
£1.20 > £1.30
£1.60 > £1.70
£2.00 > £2.10
Returns within Plymouth & Saltash
£1.20 > £1.30
£1.80 > £1.90
£2.40 > £2.50
£2.90 > £3.00
Transfer tickets
£2.40 > £2.50
£3.20 > £3.30
DayRider voucher books 12 for 10
£32 > £33
Child and Reduced fares will be available to those under the age of 19 and those under the age of 23 in full time education at an establishement that is able to supply a simple ID card that shows the holder is in full time education. (NUS card is a good example). Reduced fares will also be available to National Consession Travel pass holders who are unable to use their pass for travel. i.e before 09:30 in Plymouth.
However, in order to pay for increasing the age of availabilty of Reduced fares from 15 to 18 and to extend availability to include those under the age of 23 in full time education there needs to be the following adustment to Reduced/Child fares. The changes to Child fares represents a no better no worse off situation for Plymouth Citybus. Clearly increasing the age of those eligible for Reduced/Child fares is a significant cost to Plymouth Citybus, a cost that is in part covered by anticipated passenger growth but also by reducing the discount available to young people currently using Plymouth Citybus. There are no changes to the Plymouth Concession School Travel fare.
Full details HERE (PDF File)
Current Fare > New Fare
Reduced/Child singles within Plymouth & Saltash
50p > 60p
80p > 90p
£1.00 > £1.20
£1.20 > £1.40
Reduced/Child returns within Plymouth & Saltash
70p > 90p
£1.10 > £1.30
£1.40 > £1.70
£1.70 > £2.00
Reduced/Child Transfer tickets
£1.40 > £1.70
Reduced/Child DayRiders
£2.20 > £2.30
Reduced/Child DayRider voucher books 12 for 10
£22 > £23
You will notice that the planned redesign has not yet happened. I still plan to go ahead with this but I need to iron out a few issues and the total unreliability of the new PC has not exactly helped matters. It is working at the moment, for the first time since Saturday morning, so I expect to be sending it back to Mesh to get it sorted properly. I can see the old PC being pressed back into service very shortly!
Terry Partridge
Window shoppingOmnibuses
Heavy Going: Stagecoach PrestonA Transport of delight
I bet I know where you are going...
"I expect to be sending it back to Mesh to get it sorted properly"
ReplyDeleteWe had a Mesh PC. It also didn't work properly when it was new. It's fine now though (although as it's a couple of years down the line it's been demoted to upstairs)