21 April 2010

Now and Then: National Express

National Express 330

Then - September 2002: Western National 2702 when new in the last decent livery National Express carried.
First Western National 2702 W52UMB
Now - March 2010: Coachmaster now run this route for National Express and run these smart Caetano coaches. They would look so much better in the livery carried by 2702 above. Coachmaster? FJ59ARF
Further Reading
Transport of Delight: Bournemouth here we come!
Omnibuses: Taking the strain
Uncle Terry: A quick pee
In the News
Not for profit rail services?

First on Twitter / Facebook

20 April

09:22 Another sunny day across Devon & Cornwall (aren't we lucky!) and no issues to report at the moment.
20:25 PLYMOUTH: queues at Tesco roundabout Woolwell & The George due to works adding few extra minutes to Tavy Linx journeys this evening.

Citybus on Twitter / Facebook
20 April
Tomorrow (today!) all Citybus employees will be wearing their most colourful ties in celebration of the life of Ian Allen who died suddenly April 10

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  1. I hated the livery 2702 is wearing. It looks awful in my opinion, especially the nasty, cluttered, blue and yellow strip bit.

    The current livery is, well, it's not really a livery is it? Just bland...

    However, the one in between the two I thought was lovely!

  2. Blue and yellow. LOL! I of course meant blue and red!

  3. On a slightly different note, recent Nat Ex changes has seen the 336 curtailed from Penzance to Plymouth for Edinburgh.. So no more 6 wheeled Levante's in Cornwall!!


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