08 March 2010

Life after Plymouth

Another breadvan escapes

Plymouth Citybus 289 N289PDV
The big advantage of digital cameras is that it enables you take take photos that you probably wouldn't bother with if you had to pay for developing etc. This is such a photo, as I have never been a fan of these buses so almost certainly would have let this one go. With digital it was a case of if it comes along, then take a photo. It was actually one of about 400 photos I took on the day, (8th February) and am still in the process of uploading to Flickr. I was of course not to know at the time that this photo was to be the last one of this bus in Plymouth. It has very recently been sold to Riverlink, South Devon where it was caught on camera by Dave Godley:
Riverlink N289PDV+DNG233T ©Dave Godley

Further Reading
PMP Films: Singapore Light Rail

PlymTransit on Twitter

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