This week has seen in introduction of '10' registered vehicles onto the roads after the last six months of having '59's. With this in mind I feels its time to present a quick run down of local '59's that can be regularly found in Plymouth:
The national driving schools often only keep their cars for a short period so are usually within the last few registration series I have no idea who runs this one, so it may not be a local operator, but I have noticed it quite regularly at Crownhill, which is where this photo was taken
Watsons is another of my favourite local fleets (with a base in Plymouth as well as in South Wales) so its always nice to see a new one
Vospers operate a large rental fleet from Plymouth and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall Tomorrow I will post the PSV 59's that we see in Plymouth - not a large post it has to be said. I will also catch up on the weeks Tweets and other links as I have not had chance to catch up on my readings lists this week - about 1500 'pages' in my Reader list at the moment! |
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