18 April 2009

Three of the best of one of the best

"With such an amazing structure it is easy to take a good picture, but to take fantastic pictures like these takes real skill!”

dbg Elsewhere...

Numberzz 237000

TGP: North Corner
TGP: West End
Omnibuses2.0: Power


Steve Lavells Flickr
Reece Kasitz Flickr

Royal Albert Bridge at Dawn 2 by Steve LavelleAs we get nearer the 150th anniversary of the opening of this great bridge its time for a few more great images as seen on Flickr.




© Steve Lavelle. Really nice atmospheric early morning shot.
Tamar Bridges by Steve Lavelle(Flickr Stream) ©Steve Lavelle. In total contrast to the above shot I just love the rich vibrant colours in this shot.

Tamar Bridge by Reece Kasitz(Flickr Stream)
©Reece Kasitz. Taken from a similar viewpoint, but the contrast couldn't be greater!

With such an amazing structure it is easy to take a good picture, but to take fantastic pictures like these takes real skill! I just wish that I had that skill myself. As always with these posts, please visit their Flickr pages (by clicking the images) and explore their other photographs. There is plenty to see.

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