The new video display screen - lets hope it works better than on the Park and Ride buses where more often than their screens were not working, although to be fair, both the last two times I have ridden on them they have been working.

I can vouch that the seats are very comfortable indeed, but it does seem a bit dark inside thanks to the dark blue seats. It was very dull and wet outside which may have made it seem worse - but this is Plymouth so most passengers will see these buses in just these conditions.

Well laid out cab area

The two seats behind the driver.

The buggy area with the two flip up seats. Doesn't seem a lot of room here - less than the other low floor Darts?

The cab from the passengers viewpoint

Back seats

Looking forward down to the drivers cab.

The wheelchair area. No flip down seats here but a useful standing area when no wheelchairs are onboard.

A few minor niggles about the colours scheme aside, these are nice buses which passengers should appreciate once they get to sit down on them. They may not notice them as new buses from the outside, but they will once onboard. Expect them on the 40/41 routes very soon!
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