Something I have been wanting to do for some time is to look more closely at some of the bus routes across Plymouth. I have a good ides of what I want to do, and this map below is fairly close to what I want, or at least some features are there!
This is the main line of Plymouth Citybus 50 from Derriford Hospital to Royal Parade. It comes in at just over 9 miles and drops down from 400 feet to just above sea level and one point. I could see that Keswick Crescent is the steepest section (I live at the bottom of the dip at 2 miles so I have a right to feel knackered walking up that hill every day).
For a closer look at the map above click here
You can run your mouse along the elevation graph to show exactly where you are on the route which highlights where the hills are.
You may be able to view the map in Route Editor View (I am not sure if this is available to general view) where you can zoom in and out a bit better, or you can look at it in Google Earth. One little fact that I did pick up was that if I was to attempt to run the route I use up 2485 calories! Don't think I will bother with that!

Actually, that's a nice bit of software there. It only took me a few minutes to plot the run for the 25/20 (City Centre - Barbican - Hoe - City Centre - Lipson - Plympton) route.
ReplyDeleteI will add a link to it tonight as its good to see other routes. Its certainly an easy service to use!