Gdynia way runs along an old railway line which used to rake the railway into the Sutton Harbour area of Plymouth. It now serves as one of the main road routes into Plymouth. The railway heritage of the route can be seen in the old railway bridges across the route with this one being decorated in a traditional Gdynian pattern
I have decided to bring in the old Plymothian Bridges blog back into Plymothian Transit as it makes life a lot easier for me and it means its less likely to be forgotton as it has been over the past few months. I aim to post at least one bridge a week from now one which will also be posted onto the Plymothian Bridges map. The map itself will be updated shortly and linked to from this post and also the side bar.
All the posts previously under the bridges blog have now also been copied into this blog so nothing is being lost. I will leave the original in place for a short while too.
Alternative view of the bridges map
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