11 June 2007

First Devon and Cornwall Turned a corner

It’s taken more-or-less a year but former Yellow Buses man turned managing director of Frist Devon & Cornwall Marc Reddy now believes the difficult years in the far south west are over, and that what was once perhaps England’s lamest operator has turned the corner.

This is the start of the latest entry in the excellent Ominbuses Blog. Click here to read the whole article which nicely sums up the position that FDC sees itself in these days. It certainly has turned a corner since Marc Reddy turned up. In Plymouth we have seen the full benefits while other areas in Cornwall no longer see FDC at all. North Devon has seen a fair bit of pulling back too. Now we are beginning to see a fight back by FDC with a couple of skirmishes with Stagecoach Devon both in North Devon and also in Torbay with Stagecoach now running extra Plymouth - Paignton buses. I hope to try one out this week!


  1. Paignton to Plymouth Starts on the 2nd July Monday to Saturday. I haven't seen a timetable yet but I belive all the rotas and running boards are done and drivers route learning.

  2. Thanks!

    I did know that - I just forgot I was still in June.

    Anyway a chnage of plans mean I wont be getting to Paignton this week afer all!


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