09 September 2006

FDC NEWS Fares going DOWN!

Bus operator First is reducing fares in the Plymouth area and simplifying the choice of tickets in a major initiative to encourage more people to think about using public transport.
The changes are being introduced following requests from customers across the region.
From this Sunday, 10 September, the new FirstDay Plymouth ticket will give a day's unlimited travel on all First bus services within the Plymouth area for just £2.90.
These new tickets replace the existing peak and off-peak tickets and will mean lower fares for most bus users.The existing FirstDay Peak ticket for travel within the Plymouth area is £4.50 and the off-peak ticket is £3.90. With the new FirstDay Plymouth ticket costing £2.90 customers can save £1.60 a day which is up to 35% cheaper.
There are no restrictions on when the ticket can be used.
There's also a new FirstDay Plymouth Plus ticket which includes journeys to Antony, Down Thomas, Cremyll, Kingsand, Millbrook, Milton Combe, Rame, Wembury and Yelverton. This ticket is £3.90.Child tickets are also available. There are no time restrictions on these tickets so they can be used throughout the day. The tickets can be bought from the bus driver on any First bus.
Marc Reddy, managing director of First's bus services in Plymouth, says: "Our customers tell us that our fares are too high and our range of tickets can be confusing. We've listened to those comments and done something about it. The new FirstDay Plymouth ticket covers all of our bus services in the Plymouth area, and the new FirstDay Plymouth Plus tickets covers those bus services that travel further out from the city. We've removed the confusing peak and off-peak tickets and we've made a significant reduction in the price of our fares to encourage more people to think about using the bus.
A new range of weekly and monthly tickets will be launched in the coming months."75,000 leaflets giving details of the new fares and tickets are being distributed to households across the Plymouth area and details are being posted on every bus. Full details can also be obtained by calling 01752 402060, by visiting the First Travel Shop at Bretonside Bus Station, or by going to the Devon pages at www.firstgroup.com.
This is excellent news and a very welcome initiative by First. I am sure its pure coincidence that the new day ticket is 10 pence less than the same Citybus ticket which is being promoted so visibly at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. Good news, going back to how it used to be; the zone and time based dayriders were too complicated.


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