Found your Blog whilst searching. I am involved in the Plymouth City Transport Preservation Group. On Sunday 15th Oct we are hosting a running day in Plymouth City Centre. Hopefully operating out of Bretonside. It will culminate in the handing over of 171 from CityBus to the PCT PG.
It is planned for 1000-1600 with hopefully 8-9 buses running free services around the City.
Could you advertise it on your sites and get the word around. Programmes will be available on the day. All profits to St Lukes Hospice,
enquiries at:
cheers, best wishes Ralph
Seems a good excuse to post Ken Bakers excellent photo of 171 in what I always thought was the best and most interesting livery carried by Citybus. I know many disagreed though!
Thanks to Ken for allowing me to post his photo.

hey nice pic of 171 miss the Atlanteans on the plymouth streets and without the VRS too its all a little boring now sadly