This picture from Google Earth shows the scene as it is now.
(Click on the pictures to get to the Flikr page where you can view them at a larger size for better viewing!)

The Plymouth Pavillions is at the entrance to Millbay Docks. And this is the key to the site as it was on this very spot that Millbay Station was sat. This was a main line station which was built to the serve the Docks.
Plymouth Data has an excellent history of the Railway Station here.

This picture taken from the excellent Cyber Heritage collection was taken in the early 1980's and shows the area before any of the new building work had started. You can clearly see the line of the old railway along the top half of the picture and the large area now occupied by the Pavilions in the top left.

The picture above also from Cyber Heritage is an old one of the Station itself. The hotel in the background is still there.
I hope to do a bit of exploring around here at some stage to see what if anything is left!
Just one other thing to say for now - the whole future of this site and the Pavillions is uncertain as there are grand plans for this area of Plymouth - and the Pavillions is not included in them, so they may not last that much longer. Although dont get too excited - this is Plymouth after all.
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