Following on from the news that we will soon be seeing Ducks use the slip way at Teats Hill I thought it would be good to have a closer look at the area. The Teats Hill Slipway can be clearly seen in this lovely photo from about 1980 which has come from the excellent CyberHeritage site. (Click on the photos for a bigger view)
If you look at the image below from Google Earth you will see how much the area has changed.
The main change being the new Plymouth Marine Aquarium building which has sprung up. You may also notice the changes behind the aquarium where the dock side has been filled in. The area where the red ship sits above is now dry land and a very nice pub/ restuarant.

There is a whole lot of things I could point out in this area where there is so much history - and indeed Transport History I could fill pages and pages. One day I will have more information on a proper Plymothian Transit web site which will link the now with the then.
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