As I have spent the day looking at old photos of Plymouth I thought it would be nice to post this photo of the famous Royal Albert Bridge Brunel Bridge built by Brunel. This photo was taken in the early 1900's when it can be seen in its full glory with no distractions from other bridges!
A good web site to visit about the bridge is this one in which the author give a useful potted history of the bridge.
Also well worth a visit is the Plymouth data page on the bridge for more detailed notes on its construction and try this page for even more detailed notes including the 'phyics' of its construction. I am sure there is a lot more out there about the bridge!

This next photo shows both bridges in place and is from the early 1980s. This has come from the excellent Cyberheritage site which is well worth exploring.
The Tamar Bridge has its own web site which gives plenty of useful information too. Plymouth Data has a page about the bridge as well.
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