This is a top deck passengers eye view of the traffic light controled junction at the entrance to the Plymouth International Estate. We are sat in the 'inner' bus lane which is just about to stop the traffic on the right hand lane to allow us to turn right across all the traffic and enter the estate. Ironically the bus service to the estate has just got worse and we are now to to an hourly service only - the 17. Service 6 which was every 20 minutes was cut back at the end of October and now terminates in the City Centre.
This view shows the hotel from the main road. A few days ago you saw it from the other side.
One change you might notice is the lack of a tall crane. Just where the red road crane can be seen was a large built up tower crane which was dismantled towards the end of last week. A similar crane can be found working at the back of Derriford Hospital at the moment, although this too is due to be dismantled any day now. Apparently it will need over twenty lorries to take it away. I am hoping to get a few photos soon before it goes but with the dark evenings its not easy taking pictures at the moment when I am working all day!
I also have a photo of one of a crane lorry which I will post in a day or two.
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