My other blogs etc

The main gateway into all of the online activity.

All the news and history from the Plymouth Transport Scene.

The new sister to Plymothian Transit - replaces the Citybus PhotoBlog.

Just photos of Plymouth Citybus current fleet

Occasional blog of stuff I have found that I like and can recommend to others.
Other stuff of mine elsewhere on the Internet

Photos laid out in different ways.
Other sites of note

Daily blog looking at the bus industry. Excellent site

Probably the best driver side view out there

Occasional blog from Terry Partridge. Recommended

Terrys preservation progress

Flickr Friends

Some great archive shots of days gone by.

Massive collection of Terry's photos.

Another large collection looking back over years of taking local photographs. Some great Devon General shots

Another local collection from a friend of mine - now on Fotopic instead!

Another local collection from a friend of mine on Fotopic
test comment - to see if this works!